Thursday, June 5, 2008
Ananda , the Bliss
ananda doesnot depend on anything outside. if it is based on any external object, event it would be disturbed and will not be continuous. It is not permanent and is not real or truth.If itself is the joy, self effulgent, then it always exists and independent. That is the god.what we see , what we perceive are contaminated and biased. our mind creates the world. but is the snake real? is the snake bite real? then what about the fears about snakes when we walk in garden? if you are not afraid, you will not be cautious and loose life. we should not lose life which is the primary object in our plane.ok. instead of getting scared of snakes, notice the danger , take precautions and be safe. Important thing is you should not have the feeling of fear in your mind.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Effect of Emotions
Of late, i found a peculiar , interesting thought flashing in my mind. day after day , year after year is passing. each day is filled with events, persons, objects and feelings. All these together create ripples in mind. The past days or events, or emotions has nothing to do with me in this present. likewise, the future events.
But, all through the limited life span, my energy is spent away in worrying about the passing events, emotions , days and years. I found that the days i spent gloomy, depressed, worried has nothing to do with me who is in present day. Of course happy days happy moments are ok, because our real self is happiness. so, why i should worry about the people whom i met, with whom i work, the events, incidents i see? But can i neglect them and go ahead? at every point your interaction, your response is required. So, at the most just act as if involved in all these but never care for these because each and every incident, event, person would become a history by tomorrow.
But, all through the limited life span, my energy is spent away in worrying about the passing events, emotions , days and years. I found that the days i spent gloomy, depressed, worried has nothing to do with me who is in present day. Of course happy days happy moments are ok, because our real self is happiness. so, why i should worry about the people whom i met, with whom i work, the events, incidents i see? But can i neglect them and go ahead? at every point your interaction, your response is required. So, at the most just act as if involved in all these but never care for these because each and every incident, event, person would become a history by tomorrow.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Good life means...
Good and bad are two relative terms.. what is good and what is bad changes from time to time and place to place..But a learned wise man, or saint can tell you what is good and what is bad for all times for all men. These sayings formed into epics or sacred texts. A good life should fulfil the objective of your coming into this world. Your good life living should give you happiness and should have no repentances at the time of leaving this body. To lead such a good life, many many methods were described in sacred texts like geetha, quoran and bible , zendavista.
More than that, great saints , avatars, seers commented on these truths. All these truths evolved from a single truth. A truth is that exists always at all places.
More than that, great saints , avatars, seers commented on these truths. All these truths evolved from a single truth. A truth is that exists always at all places.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Mithya, the Myth
From all the impermanence of this world, this may be called unreal or myth or midhya.Then what is truth? The name of god, the form of god, the mantra which i was doing from my birth are not changing. They are without even an iota of change. So they can be truth. My sleep , my hunger were also with me all through my life but there changes observed in size and quantity. The best thing is to associate each and every incident , meeting of every person, losing of some thing, gaining of another thing with the name of Lord. Though you do not if your prayer reaching Him or not, if he is interested in you are not, His name is in your hands and it is bound to help you.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Spiritual life meaning
Spiritual growth is mandatory to every human being because the purpose of our coming into this world is to realize about you, then about the creation which is nothing but the creator. Spiritual growth implies that there would be a starting, and ending for this event. And a way too.. When your mind is free from disturbances, pulls and pushes, the spiritual growth would be faster. The urge for spiritual advancement itself is the begining of the journey. Spiritual masters preachings are the guide posts in the journey. Saints, avatars show the spiritual direction. Only a spiritual man can take up this challenging assignment but all should take up one day or other this .
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Disappointments in life
Though i have some good skills in many fields, though i have good luck period as per the horoscopes, though i have big dreams supported by my hard work, i am lagging behind all my contemporaries and my juniors.. i donot know why.. i dont know where the problem is.
I have taken vrs. while working in public service also, none satisfied with my talents and bosses got antogonised.. perhaps because of my stubbborn mentality and a belief that i know much.
After that i had to change jobs very frequently once in a year or twice in a year, and almost all times employer indicating me to quit job. I dont know where the trouble is.Though i have courage, patience, self confidence , the testing is approaching limit.
Always finance is problem. day after day, year after year i am going into debts.. without fail going into deeper debts.
I have taken vrs. while working in public service also, none satisfied with my talents and bosses got antogonised.. perhaps because of my stubbborn mentality and a belief that i know much.
After that i had to change jobs very frequently once in a year or twice in a year, and almost all times employer indicating me to quit job. I dont know where the trouble is.Though i have courage, patience, self confidence , the testing is approaching limit.
Always finance is problem. day after day, year after year i am going into debts.. without fail going into deeper debts.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Horoscopes Influence on life
After considering the previously discussed disappointments,I assign this too to my horoscope. Otherwise, there is no good reason to fail in every effort to become big.. failed in us assignment to settle there, failed in dubai assignment, got cheated in malaysian asignment, new zealand assignment, green card opportunity, shares, job, education, and now also tailing in this google adsense business. But i have strong belief, confidence that i would and i should succeed in this last attampt to free myself from finance and obtain financial independence so that i proceed towards real independence as per scriptures and bhagawad geetha.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Eternal Ignorance
Of all the human beings , some , about 1% get the wise thought of working towards knowing themselves. They get up, start attending some sermons , lectures and read five dozens of books on religion and philosophy.Then they get the greatest thought that they learn a lot and their mind start commenting on the scriptures, gurus and entire religion. Out of those above 1%, 90 percent people go this way and start spreading their own message, commentary. I met similar " great philosophers". Recently i am working with some founder of my company who spends quite a lot of time in so called service to mankind like medical camps etc. He claimed that he studied a lot and did " Ph.D" in religion and philosophy. Initially i was very happy to have his company as the company of learned people elevates you to higher planes of living and thinking.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Effect of Prayer
Prayer has got very big effect in life. All will pray when they are in troubles. But only some prayers would be answered. Why? As per guru's declaration, the prayer should be warm and should be like a dialogue, with sincerity.
You should know what you are asking. If that is required at that time, that prayer would be positively answered. But, we should not be confident that once we prayed means, some one is ready in the sky to work for us. He is very selective and demanding. It is His world. He does what he likes for the sake of the world
You should know what you are asking. If that is required at that time, that prayer would be positively answered. But, we should not be confident that once we prayed means, some one is ready in the sky to work for us. He is very selective and demanding. It is His world. He does what he likes for the sake of the world
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Confusing karma theory
karma theory is very complicated and often misguiding, if you are not helped by a real guru. Karma says that what ever you get here is because of your actions only. These actions may have been done in this life or in the previous lives. But it is definite to eat the fruits of karma. So, some people may think that doing any thing is waste as every thing happens as per the written law of karma and they are only the pawns in the chess.
But this is wrong as many gurus declared. Do your duty or karma without thinking of the fruit. If you do not help yourself , you will not advance , this is true.
But this is wrong as many gurus declared. Do your duty or karma without thinking of the fruit. If you do not help yourself , you will not advance , this is true.
Monday, May 12, 2008
The Book that influenced many
The book 'an autobiography of a yogi' really shook me and impressed me. I was searching seriously to know about the mystic powers, yogis,God, miracles etc at one time, few years ago, ; Then , i have taken this, accidentally and started reading. Though i have seen this book many times in stalls, i never knew about it. It is really a wonderful book for the person who want to know the saints, mystics, the ancient wisdom in India and real magical powers. you can read this book on line at Here. It was the autobiography of Sri paramahamsa Yogananda, who was with us till few years. Who lived for some time in USA too. Through him all the world knew the ancient indian mysitcs. It spell binds you while reading. It has changed the course of my life. I was and am very seriously impressed and affected by it. I strongly recommend to read this book
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